Took a wee trip with Stella and Cheyenne today to Akihabara, a.k.a Electric Town, in Tokyo. Primarily on a mission of getting a cell phone, but also to check out anime shops and get a general feel of the big city. Finally, finally, after much translating and misunderstanding, we managed to sort out the phones (see below).
Also went to a couple of anime shops and let me tell you this - absolute crazyness! Packed with people and manga dolls, towels, toys, pillows, figurines - you name it! - all over the place! The prices some pay for manga stuff! It's more than a hobby: it's a life style. Saw some girls dressed up as manga cat women, standing on the street advertising something. At another corner was an 'Adult Entertainment Shop' which is exactly what your naughty minds think it is.
On the way home we went to the campus gym in Hiyoshi to ask about prices. Goddamn expensive, but might have to suck it up. £75 a month and they're closed on Mondays. But it looks nice and they have a pool and stuff. Going to try it today/tomorrow and see what it looks like. I do need a gym and this one is the closest one so we shall see.
Now some rest. 32 degrees in bright sun is exhausting!
Hello Kitty-shaped bottles! |
My fantabulous new phone. |
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