
sweet's paradise: the face of gluttony

 Christmas is approaching also in Japan, and the decorations are starting to come up! This (see right) horrible garlic-looking decor is in Shibuya. Vampire-repelling or not, I like it. I love Christmas and all the crazy decorations that are socially acceptable (well...) to put up, and soon I shall ornament my own room with glitter, spruce, and cones to max! (Although the 16 degrees and sun somewhat detracts from that Christmassy feeling.)

Anyway. Yesterday we had a full afternoon in Shibuya after my private tutoring (where I talked politics, believe it or not - something I know close to nothing about! My students really should not listen to a word I say) and we went to Sweet's Paradise. Yes, Sweet's Paradise. It's just as amazing as it sounds.

Basically it's a buffet. Of cakes. And food. In Japan (and also in Canada I've learnt) buffets are time limited - not like in Sweden or UK where you can just goff down food for hours on end without anyone giving you the evil eye. For the one we went to we had 80 minutes to stuff ourselves with pasta, rice, curry, crackers (carbs, carbs, carbs), veggies (yay!), soft drinks - and cake. Sadly I didn't take a photo of the cake counter but I'll see if I can steal one off one of my friends later. For now, let this suffice:

There were all kinds of cake: brownie, Green tea cake (the green stuff, also the best one!), 3 types of cheesecake, and so on and on and on. Must have been about 20 different ones there. + of course the chocolate fondue. Now, to be honest, yes, it wasn't the best of quality and the same sponge cake was probably used for half of them - but still! They also had mochi and jelly cubes but I'm too scared of the latter to eat it. Needless to say, this was Sweet Paradise in the very definition of the word. It cost us 1500 yen, so roughly £14, or 145 SEK. Not bad, eh? And because it was so cheap they didn't have a lot of meat, so I could eat almost everything! Jo vs Japan 1-0!

Might have gained about 3 kg just from this meal though. So much pasta and not to mention sugar from the cakes. All worth it.

Outside a restaurant. Freakshow!

Shibuya never fails to deliver. This guy was standing on the street, as you do, wearing his, erm, outfit. Not entirely sure why he was doing this, but according to my friend he said: "If you don't laugh, you don't live" or something like that. Very true, and he did make me laugh, so kudos.

Goldfish ear rings. For reals!
This Sunday does not promise anything overly exciting. All of a sudden I have lots of work to do, so at the moment I'm trying to write the optional essay of 2,000-infinity words (mine's looking at 5,000 at the moment!) and I have never been bullshitting so much in my university career! Hopefully the Cambridge-graduated professor won't notice...

How's my RoHo doing? And my Sweden? I must say the updates are lacking a little these days...! 

Jo x

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