The first leg was made brilliant by emergency exit placement (hello leg space!) and an empty middle seat in the 3-seat row (I do appreciate the small things). Add to that watching 4 films (I mean, come on - what other legitimate reasons for watching 10 straight hours of film without feeling like a lazy slob can you come up with?) and the nice man in my row being chatty and polite, but not too annoying and clingy. All in all - win.
Then Istanbul happened. Spent an hour and a half walking around the tiny terminal without any money as the currency exchange office opened at 8pm (what?!) - a.k.a the time I would be boarding my flight. Try having long blonde hair in Turkey, see how people treat you. The terminal became a goddamn runway!
But then it happened.
So Andreas, if you're one of those celebrities who google themselves - hello, I'm the blonde girl who caught your eye by the departure board and who may or may not have drooled a little. You're fantastic. Sincerely, Jo.
Turkish Airlines didn't plan it very well, however, and Andreas and his girlfriend were placed in the far back of the plane while I was stuck with the returning Swedish Thailand tourists in the front. Not my kind of fun.
Regardless, here I am, safe and sound, despite some train troubles today (involving me going on the wrong train north instead of south) and I'm loving the snowy landscape. As the majority of the readers here are from Japan (or at least from Japanese IP-addresses) I'll probably update if anything exciting's going on. Chances are not, but anyway.
Off to eat everything I can't eat in Japan, and enjoy some seriously mental relaxation. Ta!
Jo x