
spring break!

Essays are done and dusted and only await printing + handing in; film journal is written (although I didn't technically watch the final film); and classes are long since over. In other words - spring break is here! Finally!

So happy that were I a pug, I'd go face wrestling (for putting a huge smile on your face, youtube it).

Given that the UK autumn term ends in mid-December, this year has put me through an extraordinarily long one to say the least. Now, after all the hard work (HAHA - that one's for free) Keio so generously gives us 2 months of absolute nothingness before second term.

Plans: read a lot, write even more, work out lots, party like there wasn't a worry in the world, travel all over the place (got a total of 55-odd flying hours to sit through until mid-March), and escape winter. Oh, wait, I'm going to Sweden - scratch that last one.

So. Spring break begins in three, two, one...go.

Jo x

ps. Why the pug photo, you ask? Well, I couldn't come up with any reasons why not. Groff, groff.

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