Also known as the Happiest Place on Earth! Not joking. On the way there you're inside a Mickey Mouse train with plush seats and Mickey's silhouette everywhere you look. You get excited.
All of a sudden you're in Ariel's town and it's like someone has taken your childhood, sewn the most beautiful dress out of it, and presented it to you along with a ticket to Paradise Ball.
Fire mountain and the Mediterranean Harbour.
DisneySea was also celebrating our Eurovision win! Swedish flag in the Italian gondola district.
Cute Japanese "Italian" punters punting us around "Venice".
Mickey churro! Delicious and happiness-generating in one - win!
It's not the Titanic.
Tower of Terror. Inside that scary house you'll find the most amazing ride. Without giving too much away, all I'll say is that if you have a fright of elevators, do not for the love of god go in!
Crappy photo of an amazing show. Fantasmic is a tribute to Imagination through a medley of several Disney moments, and a little story in itself. In the end, Fantasia-Mickey defeated the evil stepmother, Ursula, and the dragon, and restored joy in Disney World. 30 minutes of pure joy, heart ache, and memories in an impressive flood of lights, music, and special effects. Wow, that sounds a lot like an ad for it...
Honestly though - if you've never been to Disneyland, go, as soon as you can. It's such a happy place where you know it'll end well, and the worries of the outside world (which is not visible from even the highest point here!) seem distant and insignificant. My only regret is not buying the Donald Duck hat. Next time, Disney, next time.
Jo x
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