
back in the hood

After 3 incredible weeks I'm back in a rainy Tokyo and already longing to go back to Borneo. I'll put up some photos here within the next few days (a lot of monkey ones) so if interested, watch this space.

Borneo was nothing less than amazing. We did a couple of days at Matang Wildlife Centre where we worked with orangutans and sunbears. We learnt so much about orangutans and the illegal trade which happens far too frequently, and I do admire the work these people do in Malaysia. It may only be a drop in a vast ocean but the difference it makes for the individual animals who live at Matang is invaluable. Confiscated pets or circus attractions come here to rehabilitate and 'learn to be orangs' again, and hopefully eventually to be released into the wild. Some of the apes we met had been in small cages for 10-20 years (!) before being rescued. Ridiculous. Humans are evil.

Anyway, at Matang they get a second chance and we did cleaning of cages, put out food in their enclosures, and gave them treats. Not only orangs but gibbons (so cute!), macaques and other ones too. Some crazy, some more friendly.

Then we headed off to different places, including the mighty jungle! More about that later. Below some photos from Matang.

Binturong, or bear cat.

Gibbon. Love.

Just two man-eating crocodiles chilling
More to come. Next up: Bako National Park where the long-tailed macaques cheekily robbed us!

Jo x

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