Today was one of the best days here so far. After much waiting it was finally time for the Tokyo Vegefood Festa 2011 in Yoyogi! I had no idea what it entailed but deduced from the name that it could only be good. And how right was I?! It was a place where us veggies were accepted. Where no one would sigh "ah, but you can't eat it anyway." Where our values were, well, valued. Where there was food we could eat. Plus it was 28 degrees and splendid sun. Paradise.

Also munched on the stuff right. A vegan beanie sausage and some soy vegan balls. Both very yummy indeed. I wish this place could be open every day, but sadly its an annual event. Lucky then that I got a tote bag and a pin and a sticker with the logo on so I'll never forget my wondrous experience of Tokyo Vegefood Festa!
Full of good veggie karma we ventured on to Harajuku, which is only a ten-minute walk away from Yoyogi. There is a Halloween party in 2 weeks and we needed costumes. And costumes we found. This country is a tad strange. One the one hand they will charge you extortionate prices for fruit and then you can get a proper Sailor Moon (ooops, did I just reveal that?) costume for just under 2,000 yen?! Today that was a good thing though. It's incredible, this costume, but you'll have to wait for the actual event for photos. I can't wait!
Harajuku is an awesome place. You see so many dragqueens and generally strange-looking people, and there are the most random shops. Also took new purikura photos. Miaow!
Tomorrow it is back to reality and classes. Am changing around a bit to get rid of my stupid Kanji class. Kanji is like a fricking picture puzzle! "Today" in Japanese is kyoo, but if you write it in Kanji (Chinese characters) you use two signs - the one for NOW and the one for DAY. It makes sense of course...
Oh, and there is also my new exciting project as well...another Confidential one, although not Super Secret like the first. I'll give you three words: English, money, coffee. Trust me, it makes sense.
Jo x
Gaaaah, vegan balls! Det finns banne mig inte i London.