Took an afternoon in Shibuya yesterday. Look closer on the photo left - it says Basketball Street! Wonderful name if you ask me. Some sort of advertising for the BJ League or something.
Shibuya is an awesome place. Lots of shops, restaurants and general cool stuff. Went into Don Quijote - a huge store with plenty of international products: make-up, hair products, food and clothes. I went a tad crazy and got dark chocolate and dried mango among other things. So good! They had English tea, German sweets, even Cadbury chocolate (!) and a lot of American brands. Definitely going back.
H&M with super cute elevator and funky interior decor. Good prices too compared to the rest of Tokyo. Of course, also a touch of home.
Lunch at Hiyoshi Campus. Very cheap cafeteria. This lovely meal which was very filling indeed cost me 260 yen = £2.60! Yummy yummy fried tofu far left, rice at the bottom, and some even yummier pickled egg plant, cooked kabocha and honey glazed potato to the right.
After 3 hours of Japanese, this was a nice reward. It's doing my head in, but thankfully the grammar is so easy. The tricky part is that you have to read the situation and read the subtext in order to understand a conversation. For example: if it's obvious, you don't specify the person. So if it's obvious I'm talking about myself, I won't add "I" to the sentence. "I studied yesterday" would become simply "studied yesterday". No lazying around in convos here, oh no.
News thus: bought ticket to the big baseball game between rivals Keio and Waseda (30th Oct) and to the Halloween Party 29th. Now costume hunting begins. I'm thinking Sailor Venus...
Jo x
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