It's time again, friends! As my final exam has been completed, classes begin to slowly finish one by one, and the already minuscule workload diminishes completely, I have plenty of time on my hands to enjoy a final two weeks of this wonderful, wonderful country. Accordingly, I ventured to yet another vegetarian restaurant this evening.
The venue for the night was Chaya Macrobiotics in Shinbashi, located in the fancy-schmancy Royal Park Tower. We're talking expensive cars and taxis up front, a hat+white gloves-wearing clerk outside the door - making the automatic sliding doors open for you!!! - the full package. Now, I was feeling rebellious and lazy this morning and put on my watermelon top and shorty shorts, with messy hair in a side braid + Converse. Felt like a fish in the desert. But it's ok.

My photos are crap, but trust me when I say the atmosphere was calm and quiet, and it'd be a good place for a lunch date. 'Simple' comes to mind - simple interior, simple menu, simple food, simple service (as in non-pretentious), and a simple concept overall.
りょうり !!
Appetiser: soy nugget tossed (love that word) in nori (seaweed) sauce. So incredibly yummy, and a lot softer than the deep-fried soy I've had recently. I'm a little sensitive to seaweed when the flavour becomes too dominant, but this one was subtle enough to tickle my taste buds. Yum, yum! Came at 500 yen, and was perfectly alright to share between two people.
Vegetable curry plate with organic brown rice, 2 delis (some potato salad thing - front - and some veggie mushy mix - back) + salad. Perfectly flavoured curry and gorgeous rice. Simply perfection. 1,300 yen.
Cheeky dessert: Tofu cheese mango cake. At a relatively low 260 calories (yes, the menu told such secrets) it was simply irresistible. As it came in, we understood the calorie count: the cake was tiny. Anyway, my friend and I decided on one word to describe it: pleasant. Neither fantastic nor delicious, nor so-so, or blah - pleasant. The interior was made up of some mango mush and tofu cream stuff, and that was the best part of this little lavishness. Came to 440 yen a piece.
All in all, 1990 yen per person which admittedly is quite a lot. But for that we had 3 courses, and quite a lot of healthy well-cooked food in a fancy area. Can definitely recommend this place, maybe for a couply night out...?
Jo x
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