
another day

 Breakfast. Three guesses what.
 Before I'd even realised we were in Tokyo, someone exclaimed: "Oh my god, Tokyo Tower!" Then I knew. So yes, I've seen Tokyo Tower today. But is it that impressive? Really? Anyway, I'm not here to critique. We went to Tokyo to go to one of the campuses...
 ...Mita Campus. The pretty entrance matched the rest of the campus which probably was smaller than Royal Holloway's, but with plenty more potential of getting lost!

At the meeting today I found out there are no less than 5 (!) other Swedish guys in the Exchange Student group. Plus 2 Norwegians. Happy days! Of course they speak Japanese, but there were a couple more people there who confessed that they didn't speak a word so I'm not alone.

Tonight's mission is to learn words + signs for the following words: egg, meat, fish, shrimp, seafood, pork, beef, crab. Otherwise my food life will be rather sushi-esque and tofu-like. Bought some funky beans and seaweed for dinner. Wish me luck.

Jo x


  1. Fukkura? Chicken made from tofu I'm guessing? Tokyo Tower fans clearly have never been to Blackpool... Your campus looks gorgeous! x

  2. Du är där!! Wow! Vad härligt att du har några "egna" att falla tillbaka på om språk- och kulturkrock blir för stor ;) Men jag tror det kommer gå galant! Kram
